December 2016

We have an advent calendar full of special offers!! Keep an eye on the window for each day! Advent Calendar

4th December 2016

A fab weekend for team Kilmaconnell!

Zuidams Cruise, pictured here Zuidams Cruise taking two 3rds at the WHOYS at Causeway Coast Arena! The difference in this horse's attitude is remarkable since being fed Nupafeed MAH Liquid Calmer (plus a wee top-up on show days with the syringes!).

Capaill Rua our 5 year old connemara took a 1st and two 2nds. He is in fab form with a lovely healthy shine! Fed on Oceanfeed Equine!

1st December 2016

Super write-up in the Farm Week for Kilmaconnell Equestrian!!

Farm Week Photo

8th November 2016

Super weekend for Oceanfeed & Nupafeed products, both sponsoring fab prizes at the Causeway Coast arena dressage final, the well deserved winners pictured in the collage Orla Smith and Florence Smith, plus lots of customers doing well in competition, including our own two starting back after their wee summer vacation!

Leo fed on Nupafeed MAH Liquid Calmer for more focus and attention when jumping - helping us to avoid his inattentive moments when he spooks at random objects!

Ted and Leo both fed on Oceanfeed for happy tums and a shiny coat!